A week before Super Bowl 2012 festivities started in Indianapolis, the ChopSaver people- Dan and Noelle Golsling came to visit. They wanted a mascot for their ChopSaver Lip Balm – For People with Lips. If your a small biz w/ a great product, you have to pay attention to the SuperBowl’s outreach possibilities.
AvantGarb was swamped. We didn’t have a spare second to make a right-this-very-minute-new mascot. There were 3 Kangaroos, a Horse, a Soybean, a Grizzlie and the Griff waiting to be made. However, ChopSavers came with a referrral from a close friend, Carol Frohlich.
….and Dan & Noelle are ardent entrepreneurs and they have THE MOST LUSCIOUS LOOKING LIPS!
Of course we said yes.
Making “Choppy” was like driving the Indy 500. The sewing machines raced and whirred for 3 days.
….and sometimes we used our big, old, powerful cobbler machine. Rather than turn the fabric, foam, patent-leather-vinyl, the walking foot turns to change the stitching direction (sewing machine info for sewing nerds).
Whenever the ChopSaver folks show up, the excitement & entusiasm level rises. Annie & Mike ( a couple of Garb Ganger) finished the last stitches and wriggled the ChopSaver mascot onto the interior structure while with help from the ChopSaver gang.

Everyone in the GarbGang has luscious lips now because we use Chopsaver Lip Balm. Plus, it was a blast working w/ Dan & Noelle.