Mascot Basics
How much does a custom mascot costume cost?
It’s a good question because the answer reveals so-o-o-o much.
Everyone interacts with mascots – at the ballpark, in theme parks, at events, and on television. We have an educated eye for mascots. We all know a great mascot when we see one.
At AvantGarb, we design and produce only hand- crafted, artisanal, one-of-a-kind (well, sometimes 2 or 3 of a kind*) mascot costumes. Attention to the original, signature details is what makes a mascot come alive. We pay attention to the details – the way it looks and how easily it can be worn.
Alright already! How much does a mascot cost?
The 1st mascot takes close to a jillion hours to make. Additional ones take a little less time.
If you are buying one custom mascot costume, the cost starts at around $8500 and goes up from there. Beverage can mascot are less.
- A hugely muscled mascot with many clothing and accessory details will be more.
- Cost depends on the complexity of the design, cost of materials and a whole list of variables we think of as the Mascot Ingredients.
- A beverage can mascot w/ a terrific “popped top” may be a bit less.
- Do you have a character that has a shirt with a unique pattern that has to be copied on a mascot-sized shirt? We can do that – and the pattern on the shirt will be scaled to mascot-size, too!
- Do you want lights in the mascot?
- Are there moving parts that require remote electronics?
Additional Duplicate Mascot Costume Costs
If you need additional duplicate mascot costumes, the cost is usually a little less, depending on how many duplicate mascots you order and complexity of the mascot.
Consider duplicate mascots if:
- Your mascot needs to be at 2 or 3 places at the same time.
- You are using your mascot for extended periods of time with different performers.
- There is an intense performance schedule – one mascot can be active while the other is getting cleaned or repaired.
If you have an active, strategic program for your mascot, consider duplicate mascots.
Custom mascots are, indeed, custom-made.
If you need a mascot design, we will collaborate with you on the design. We will draw from your vision to create a dynamite design and bring the mascot graphic to life as a full-sized mascot.
Once we know what the mascot looks like, we will send you fabric, fuzz & fur samples for your approval.
Then the fun really begins —- we will start making the mascot:
We start creating the technical specs and sculpts for the unique features of your mascot.
- The sewing machines whirr, the foam, fuzz & fabric fly, the eyes get painted, and we thread our needles to hand-stitch the small details.
We sculpt the head,–get the tilt of the ear just right. We place the interior helmet and make sure the performer has good vision and ventilation.
Making changes to the mascot design?
The mascot design is not set in stone. We will work with you and your team on refinements & changes. Want bigger ears? A different color shirt? Sneakers instead of paws? It can all be done.
Lights? Action? Magic!
Does your mascot need lights and sound? Do the eyes need to move? Do the wings need to flutter? Does the nose need to wiggle? We can make that happen!