Sometimes creation just buzzes along at AvantGarb. We have enough of the right foam to build the mascot body, we have plenty of the right kind of helmets to put inside the mascot heads, we have plenty of fur, the right shapes for the eyes and the right color soles for the mascot shoes. We have plenty of time to get the mascot done, everybody is in top mental and physical shape, and the right tunes are coming through the speakers.
Sometimes the music is wrong, we have 3, but not 4 helmets for the 4 mascot we’re making, the right-sized eyes for 3 and a half mascots and enough fur for everything but one of the the paws. Someone has a pulled nerve and can only sew standing up and someone else sounds like one big germ on the phone, and I beg him not to come in.
There’s always a time in both scenarios when I fall completely in love with the mascot we are creating. It always happens. I will look at the nose I have just finished and my heart will melt, because it is a beautiful, big, fuzzy nose and it just warms my soul, and I know it will warm the souls of all who see it—it could be the ears, a tuft of hair—the shoes. Something will click in my heart, and I know we are about to send a great, big, bundle of fun out into the wider world.
©Jennifer Smith/AvantGarb Inc 2016
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